Any thoughts/experience with Rega Aphelion or Apheta 2 MC cartridges?

Hi people, Is anyone using or have used the Rega Aphelion or the Apheta 2 cartridges? I was tending toward the Ortofon Cadenza Bronze but my HiFi sales/superannuation guy warned me off the brand.

I have been researching cartridges but really, unless you have had one in your system, I cannot express an opinion on any.

I have a Micro Seiki BL-91L with an MA-505LS arm. He's the big boy I want to match.

I also have a Kuzma Stabi Ref 2 with a Kuzma Stogi Reg arm and a CAR 30 cartridge which I am happy with but have not experimented with.

I would appreciate anyone's opinion on the Rega cartridges as, on paper, they look good.

Thanks, A.

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Showing 1 response by liamowen

I had a Rega RP6 with the Exact2 cartridge.  Pass Labs XP SS phonostage and CJ tube electronics.  I found the Exact2 to be frustratingly unlistenable-- horrible.  I am actually surprised that I didn't throw a sneaker at the turntable while a record was playing.

I sold the Exact2 and put on an Apheta1-- better, but harsh sounding on the high end.

Finally, I bit the bullet and bought an RP10 with the Apheta2.  I could tell in the first 60 seconds of listening that this upgrade created a world of difference.  I really enjoy the RP10 with the Apheta2.  It is trouble free, easy to set up and sounds great.

I intuitively knew that the Pass Labs XP and the CJ tube electronics were not the problem, and I was right.  It was the RP6 and the Exact2.

I have never been able to figure out why so many people bash the RP10 and the Apheta2.  For those of us who do not fully understand VTA, or want to screw around with it, all Rega's are point and shoot, and the high end ones sound great.

So, I am thinking about potentially upgrading to the Aphelion, but haven't heard one, and want to do so before getting another spendy toy.

One point that I do want to make is that the Distributors of Rega-- The Sound Organization in Texas, are about as unfriendly and as unhelpful as they come.  When I was selling my Exact2, I wanted to buy a case for the cartridge so I could ship it safely.  I needed one because my Exact2 came installed on the table and didn't have a box.

I called the distributor, explained my situation and asked to BUY a box for the cartridge for shipping.  It took several calls and felt like a federal case before they would send me one.  I mean, seriously, were they thinking I was going to make a counterfeit Exact2 or something?  Anyway, while this is a very polite forum, the guys at The Sound Organization qualify as the backside of a horse as far as I am concerned.

Happy listening.