Any Tekton users in UK???

I keep reading rave reviews about these speakers.

Tekton don’t have a distributor in UK or Europe.

Just wondered if anyone in UK has managed to get hold of a pair?

.......and are they as good as they say?

Showing 3 responses by gawdbless

Heard two pairs of Tektons a couple of years back D1? and one that looked like half of the D1. To my ears they are like the drinking the Queen's brew with salt in it. 
Hot tea with milk. Adding salt gives tea a nasty taste. It's what Ma'am drinks, obviously without salt!
Iron maiden and Tekton  D1 are not a happy pairing, well the dude in the Tekton room gave my cd about 30 seconds then took it out and starting chatting to people who walked in the room. Glad he took the cd out actually as it sounded pretty unpleasing.