Have you tried Decware? They are located in Peoria, IL.
to offer speaker repair
on the Internet !
Since 1996.
If you decide to refoam the speakers yourself, (if that is what is wrong with your speakers-you did not say), I am leery of trying to save the center dust cap as Decaware would like you to do. Other companies, which sell refoam kits, simply have you remove the dust cap entirely and replace it with a larger one.
to offer speaker repair
on the Internet !
Since 1996.
If you decide to refoam the speakers yourself, (if that is what is wrong with your speakers-you did not say), I am leery of trying to save the center dust cap as Decaware would like you to do. Other companies, which sell refoam kits, simply have you remove the dust cap entirely and replace it with a larger one.