Any recommendations for aftermarket C-7 power cord for Bluesound Node 2i

Looking for help on finding a better sounding C-7 power cord for my Node.  I have read about Audioquest, Pangea, Cullen, Shunyata, etc.  I have even looked at making my own.  Any suggestions or experience with good C-7 cords would be greatly appreciated! Thanks

Showing 10 responses by vinylshadow

Has anyone here pimped out their Node 2i with a PSU interface card and Linear power supply? Supposed to make a big difference to sonics...

That is my next project when my Node 2i arrives. 

Good stuff on the power cables. I've heard a lot of good things about the Triode Digital American. I'll look into the Wireworld too. I thought the Node 2i had a C15 IEC but maybe not.  

Thanks Alex. I was looking at the interface card and switching power supply on Pawel's website but wanted a linear power supply so great that he sells the interface separately. I will order one.
Which linear power supply did you get?

Are you using an upgraded power cable?

I was considering the Triode Wire Labs Digital American. I am using Pete's High Power Dig. American for my UberBuss power conditioner...While it might be the way to go, a $500 power cable for a $540 Node 2i deserves some thought.

The Wireworld Mini Electra that many use and recommended is $160.

Wonder if there is a big difference besides the price?


Thanks Alex-
I will be using WiFi as my router is upstairs hooked up to my desktop. Unless it is easy to get one for downstairs. Does ethernet make a huge improvement to sonics? I’ve read many times that it does not. That the ethernet advantages have to do with something else that I cannot recall.

The guy who sold me my Node 2i recommended this company’s LPS’s:

I think for the power cable from the LPS I’ll use this $160 cable:

I wouldn’t mind the Triode Wire Labs Digital American. They end with a Figure 8 if you want it... But it costs as much as the Node 2i!

I went on EBay to order Pawel’s LPS adapter but shipping was $55. But I might not have a choice!
Pawel’s lower power LPS is not out yet but I am curious. Might be better to wait and see how much shipping is for the adapter and his LPS.


I’ll have to look into Ethernet once again. I could have sworn that the consensus was ethernet and wifi offer the same sonics...Although I don’t see an Ethernet plug in the eero. Just a wifi hub. ..,.I always thought you had to have the provider install a phone jack outlet for internet and then plug in cables and hardwire. I’m not too adept on these things

I don’t think I want to plug that iFi into my Classe SSP-800 processor(which has an outstanding DAC).

Plus, iFi has a switch mode power supply so that bothers me. Here is an analysis:

Thank you for mentioning it though. I love tweaks.

If you don’t mind, which LPS are you currently using with Pawel’s board? EBay has a bunch of Chinese LPS’s from $66-$100 but I have no idea what to look for or which is best. That’s why I thought this one was a good possibility:

I just saw Fidelity Audio’s interfece and power supply. $800. More than the Node 2i by a lot.

I’ll order Pawel’s board soon. Thanks.
Thanks for the selection..Even though I have a Node 2i on the way, I'll look into the Lumin's..

I have such a great DAC in my processor that it bothers me to buy a streamer with a DAC as it is like an appendix. Don't need it.

I wish there were good streamers out there without a DAC so all the money went to the streamer.
And one that has TIDAL select!
I was watching a YouTube video with the designers of HiFi Rose streamers and they said they were looking into a streamer without a DAC. But that is likely far away....

@ big_greg
If not the Node 2i, which streamer did you wind up getting if I may ask?

Thanks jetter.
I told the dealer who sold me the Node 2i, and has one himself in an amazing audiphile system, about my plans for the PSU interface and the LPS. He replied that he thinks I am using a sledgehammer for a nutcracker. British humor but I know what he meant.

And, to get the node 2i then after it’s broken in and I am familiar with it then look for a power supply if you want. Then you will know if it was worth the $$.

So, I will take both of your advice and give it a month. My Classe SSP-800 DAC is very good indeed. And I'm using Straight Wire's top of the line Mega Link 75 ohm cable.

As far as the Ethernet cable, are you running the cable from a hardwired to the wall router or a eero type router plugged into a wall outlet.
As I mentioned, my router is upstairs and connected to my desktop. Would I need another router downstairs? Or the eero.
I asked my dealer about an Ethernet cable. He replied- " If you go Ethernet go TPLink optical TPLink Ethernet but that’s a whole rabbit hole."
He might be right but my Classe only supports 24/96 through Toslink. 24/192 through SPDIF coax 75 ohm cable.

Although, he said he has great ears and can barely, if at all, tell the difference between 24/96 and 24/192. I think I've read many say that 24/96 is enough...But I'm not certain....
@rareace @big_greg

I’ve been corresponding with Pawel and he told me that he will soon be updating his website(and maybe EBay?) and will be lowering the shipping costs for his PSU adapter to the U.S..

The UK company Fidelity Audio also makes a Node 2i PSU interface but it is twice the price of Pawel's...Could it be twice as good?

Also, he is still working on his LPSU but even when it is available, he won’t be shipping it to the U.S..He recommended this LPS on Ebay:

He said to use 5V 3A.

As far as the iFi SPDIF purifier, I’ll need to do more research....
IFi says that it can be used with Chromecast but I don’t see how as the Chromecast dongle plugs into an HDMI port.

The PSU interface+LPS+shipping+iFi Purifier costs $450. Node 2i costs $500.

Is a Node 2i for $1000 still the best streamer out there for the price vs more expensive streamers that also support TIDAL select(but they may need a new LPS and iFi too?)?...Things that make you go hmmmm.

@jetter  @ericsch
Thanks guys.
I should be getting my Node 2i next week so I'll see how it goes.

One thing about WiFi signal to downstairs is I've been using a Google Chromecast dongle in my processors WiFi, getting the WiFi signal from the upstairs router with no dropouts or problems. The music and the video is great. I would hope that with the Node 2i it is even better.

For your consideration- WiFi vs. Ethernet

While the designer of the Aurilac streamer has "perfected" the WiFi circuitry and prefers WiFi over Ethernet, I don't know if the same can be said with Bluesound. But it is worth an email to ask about it.


The Node 2i compared favorably to an expensive streamer. Great to know. I’m psyched!I will definitely think about the Ethernet. Thanks for your advice.
As far as the Eero router, is this the one you are talking about?

Just plug it into an outlet, or outlet on a power conditioner, and it will acquire the Wifi signal from my upstairs AT&T modem?

Then a very good Ethernet cable from Eero to Node 2i? If so, that is easy enough...

As far as LPU’s go, Fidelity Audio makes the Node 2i PSU interface and LPS’s of varying quality and costs. Maybe I’ll consider those. Or at least their LPS’s...I read on HiFiWigwam that the Fidelity Audio gear is very good.

If I can pick your brain again, as far as an Ethernet switch, I tried reading up on it and I’m not too adept at figuring it out. Being that I don’t play internet games, stream 4K video(I have a Plasma TV), or transfer large files do I really need an Ethernet network switch?

The only thing I’d be connecting to the Eero is the Node 2i..... My Dish Satellite box has an Ethernet port but I’m not certain what it would gain from an internet connection as I have the new Chromecast for YouTube and Netflix etc if I cared to subscribe...
Currently, I have a wall wart type thing plugged into an outlet behind my equipment rack that has a phone jack in it and the connected phone line connects to my Dish box for upgrades and upgrading the schedule.

Since the Eero has a 2nd available Ethernet port, maybe an Ethernet cable from the Eero to the Dish box would do the same as the phone connection for updates and schedule updates and would replace a phone line connection?

Thanks again.