Any real experiences with a Luxman C900u and C10x?

I'm in the market for a new preamp and have the M10x and am leaning to the Luxman C900u or C10x.  There aren't many dealers around me that have both for me to try and there doesn't seem to be much info on both online (i may not be looking in the right places smiley )


Update. c900u setup into m10x

The c900u is a huge improvement over my 509x as a Pre. The best way I can describe the difference is ‘the sound is now free and simply just flows to let the music be the focus’.

I have not heard the c10x, but with my current setup I’m in no rush to change.

Huge thank you to Albert at precision audio and video in Chicago for setting me up with the new pre.

Addition to the above post.  There is nothing wrong with the 509x integrated, i just wanted more.  

I have issues with uv meter on luxman M-900U, the needles on uv right channel is stop moving. I tried to search to buy but no dealer can help me.

One more thing, every body know how to open top cover of this unit since I did not see any screw to open as other amplifier. 

Please help as can.

@sdavada how are you liking the c900u half a year later? 

I read that some Luxman pre's are great at showcasing crystal clear highs and well-defined bass, but the mids tend to play second fiddle to the ends of the spectrum. From reading c-10x reviews I doubt that to be the case there but wondering what your thoughts are on the 900u.

@relaxasaurus a few months in I knew what you described above was missing so I took the plunge and got a c10x to match the m10x. The change from the 900u to the 10x is substantial mainly on the mids and lows. 

if I wasn’t someone chasing the best sound for the setup I have etc I would be more than happy with the 900u but as most of us on here, if we notice room for improvement we will chase it.