
Responses from relaxasaurus

Any real experiences with a Luxman C900u and C10x?
@sdavada thanks for the update. Have you heard Pass Labs preamps at all? I may pull the trigger on an XP-32. The only SS competition for it around the same price is the Ayre KX-R Twenty and Luxman C-10x that I can think of. Something revealing in ... 
Any real experiences with a Luxman C900u and C10x?
@sdavada how are you liking the c900u half a year later?  I read that some Luxman pre's are great at showcasing crystal clear highs and well-defined bass, but the mids tend to play second fiddle to the ends of the spectrum. From reading c-10x rev... 
Best $10-15K bookshelf speaker?
I wonder if your wife would be cool with the Amator Maxima You could argue it takes up the same amount of real estate as a bookshelf.   
Tampa Audio Expo 2025
I don’t think the Borresen X3’s were there were they? I know they had three bookshelf models in the different Next Level Hifi rooms, and the flagship T5 in the big salon downstairs. Either way I loved both the T5 ($$$?) and the T1 bookshelfs ($55... 
Contemplating DEVORE SPEAKERS (and others)....LONG audition report of many speakers
@nquery I need to find a way to turn on email notifications (edit, just fixed ), sorry I’m responding over a week later. Thanks for the thoughtful response of your experiences. I’m going to the Florida Audio Expo in a couple of weekends and going... 
Devore 093 compared to o96
@52tiger what did you end up deciding?  I'm currently demoing both speakers and seem to prefer the 96, but at double the price I feel like I could be more than content with the 93's.  
Contemplating DEVORE SPEAKERS (and others)....LONG audition report of many speakers
@prof I'm just going to chime in here whenever another speaker catches my eye. You seem to have heard them all, hah. Living close to a reviewer has its perks 👍  
Contemplating DEVORE SPEAKERS (and others)....LONG audition report of many speakers
Thanks for sharing. Harbeth and Maggie's are two brands I hope to hear in the future. Has anyone heard YG Acoustics speakers? The Talus and Ascent are on my list, but I'd have to sell some gear and stretch the budget even further. https://youtu.... 
Contemplating DEVORE SPEAKERS (and others)....LONG audition report of many speakers
@arafiq thanks for the feedback. I feel the Cabasse speakers I have completely embody that modern crisp sound you speak of. I actually love it and it mates perfectly when I throw on some pop or indie music. Synthesizers light up the room and the s... 
Contemplating DEVORE SPEAKERS (and others)....LONG audition report of many speakers
Resurrecting this blast from the past with a tale of both enlightenment and regret. Prof I know this is your thread so if there’s a better place to put this just say. We talked a bit on Reddit and this post consistently comes up in my Google searc... 
Joseph Audio dealer in the northeast?
Looks like Joseph will be at the Florida Audio Expo next month. If anyone's in Tampa maybe they can ask him directly what's up. 😄  
Considering a Hegel preamp
Thanks both. Shame that you don't hear more about Hegel preamps. Their integrated models seem to overshadow their separates.  
Considering a Hegel preamp
@zlone did you ever snag a Hegel pre? I am about to pull the trigger on a P20. Using the preouts on my H190 integrated was very illuminating how good Hegel's preamps are. Compared with two tube preamps and a cheap WiiM Ultra but I kept coming bac... 
Joseph Audio dealer in the northeast?
Thanks @northman , I appreciate the positivity. Joseph Audio is based in Long Island right? Would be pretty funny if I had to drive to Philly to get a demo. 😅 Anywhere in the NYC tri-state would be fine.  
Joseph Audio dealer in the northeast?
@rsf507 the contact form on their site. They still don't have a dealer page.