Any Present Magnepan 3.7i owner using them in a smaller listening space...

I am contemplating the purchase of the 3.7i's however I have a smaller listening space.  My space is approx. 10-ft in width by approx.14-ft depth (the space is open behind the listening position).  The most distance I could put the 3.7i's out from the front-wall would be about 3-ft.  If any of you 3.7i owners are working with a smaller listening space, can you offer some recommendations as to how you got your speaker placement to work ?  As I understand it, Maggies in general need to be placed out notably from the front wall to give them room to "breathe".  

Any experience or recommendations would help me in deciding to purchase or go another route.  Thanks !  


Showing 1 response by pinwa

I’ve owned 1.6, 1.7, 3.7 and 20.7 Magnepans but have never listened to them in a small room so these comments draw on the research I have done over the years rather than first hand experience.

1) the most critical factor is distance from the front wall. 3’ is an absolute minimum and in no sense ideal. Around 5 feet works really well. At 3’ I suspect the speakers will still sound good but sub-optimal. Adding diffusion or absorption behind the speakers might improve the sound if you can only manage 3’ but more distance is definitely better.

2) Distance from the back wall will be no different with Maggies than any other speaker. It sounds like you are open on the back so that shouldn’t be an issue.

3) My listening position is about 9’ from the plane of the speakers. Your room should be fine for that. And I have read that some people like 3.7s in a near field distance but that seems a little crazy to me.

4) Everything I have read suggests Maggies are less sensitive to side wall reflections than some speakers so you room should be more than wide enough. Plan on either an equilateral triangle or one where the distance between the speakers is about 85% of the distance from your ear to the panel. Tune according to your preference. I like a little less than an equilateral triangle and with my 3.7’s I preferred tweeters out.

5) Plan on spending a fair amount of time and effort optimizing the placement of the speakers. Small changes can make a big difference.

7) Amplification matters a lot to Maggies. I didn’t absolutely love my 3.7’s until I got the PS Audio BHK 300 monoblocks.

6) People are over enthusiastic about the LRS+. It is very good FOR THE PRICE. It is not a very good speaker compared to the other Maggies or full range floor standing speakers.

Bottom line, your room is fine except for not squeezing out a little more space from the front wall. Maybe put the 3.7’s on sliders and pull them out for a listening session and push them back when not in use? Just make sure you mark your preferred position so you get them back in the right place.