Any piece of equipment you currently dream of ?

Which can be within your reach.

For me it’s Studer deck. I just can't justify the expense, at least not yet.


@devinplombier I could go with an old English gentleman's club theme complete with a snooker table and one of those large globes showing the extent of the British empire that holds a secret liquor bar inside. And *waves hand* over here is my all-tube setup. We'll sit by the warm glow of the tubes and enjoy this box set I just picked up. 

I don’t think Chuck’s best use of time and skills is grocery shopping but we all gotta adopt in this big changing world. 

@bipod72 I would think Hegel has synergy with Dynaudio and the Billie with the Vandies. I know nothing about amp design but the Billie has so many functions for a one man show that I have a hard time believing that it can compete with products made by 100s of years of combined experience and 10s of patents.

My third preference would be Simaudio. Sweet dreams :)

Dr. Feickert Woodpecker, Clearaudio DC Wood or Ovation, Pure Fidelity, or even a low end AMG turntable. I’ve got a pretty decent tonearm and MC cart. Just dream about 

I am very happy with my system... but give additional funds I would upgrade my Sonus Fabter Amati Traditional speakers for Sonus Faber Lilium or Strats. 

I agree with @ronboco about Rockport Lyras, but I would stay with Gryphon power as I currently have driving my Rockports currently.