Any opinions on Audiomat Amps?

I have been considering the Thiel CS1.6 and Classe Preamp/Amp for my system. Today, I talked to a local dealer and he indicated that the Thiels are a bit too "bright". His recommendation was to go with Audiomat tube amps and Equation speakers. Any one have any comments? Thanks in advance.


Showing 2 responses by rob_techsupport1081

F1a, MOST quality tube amps make better music than MOST solid state or digital amps, so this is no real special credit to the Arpege. Audiomats are fine amps. I just think you can do better for the price, and MUCH better in the peace of mind department as far as service from the importer or dealer (remember,most Audiomat dealers don't keep the line for too long).

You mention that the Prelude and Opera beats the Pathos, well, I hope so at over twice the price ! I think this says more about the Pathos than it says about the Audiomat...Consider the low resale value for such high-priced equipment and the Audiomat just isn't a good deal. However, if you are sure to keep the gear for the long haul,(right) resale value is not an issue.
Being a previous owner, I would stay away from anything Audiomat and Equation for the following reasons:

1. The amps are good, but overly pricey - you can do better for much less money.

2. Weak bass.

3. Two weeks from Mutine to answer e-mails, no help whatsoever if you buy your amp used, even if you offer to pay for service.

4. A very confidential and almost non-existent dealer network (most have left or are thinking to leave) , yet the distributor frequently admits to being ''overloaded'' with demand...his reason for not having the time to respond quickly....sure.

5. Try to find anything written on the Equation 25 speaker aside from that lone review....nothing, nada, zip. It's like this is a ghost speaker. If its that good, surely, something else can be found other than the self-congratulatory comments on Mutine's own website.

6. Low resale value. A Sim Audio I-5 sounds much worse, but will sell in a week. An Audiomat?....took me 3 months to sell mine at a ridiculous discount.

In case you need more reasons e-mail me !