Any opinion or feedback on the NAIM UnitiServe or UnitiCore?

Have a few hundred CDs and I'm loking to transition to a NAS based system and the NAIM units have caught my eye. Please share your thoughts or comments on them. How is their interface? Is the UI on the app adequate or is it horrible? I just want to be able to connect it to my main system and listen there. I don't need to stream to other parts of the house or do any complex setups.

Showing 3 responses by jcatral14

Thanks randy-11. sfall is right, I just want something uncomplicated where I drop or slide CDs in and it rips them automatically. No muss no fuss. I just dont want to deal with PCs/MACs /ripping software although yes, it is a far less expensive route. I don't mind paying for the ease and convenience (within reason ;-) ).
@randy, thanks, iTunes is always an option but a last one.

@4425, thanks for your input. How is the interface? Is it buggy? I’m leaning towards the NAIM but still unsure as I have never had a NAS based system.

@ tomic601 and tdimler, thanks! In the interim I have also found out about Bluesound Vault 2 but I think I will still go with a NAIM solution. I will probably add one to my system later this year :-)

Thanks all.