Any one measured the EMI/RFI attenuation performance of audiophile power conditioners?


I was looking for a very good/robust power conditioner which will clean up reliably very noisy/dirty power supply that I have in my aprtment. While looking for one I went through catlogs of AudioQuest, Shunyata Research, Synergestic Research etc. but no one published charts showing attenuation performance over frequency range like you get for EMI filters from Schurter or Schaffner etc. which are in the industry for EMI/EMC compliance.

Since audio is very subjective, but contrary to audio reproduction Power and EMI/RFI reduction is completely objective and can be clearly demonstrated via attenuation charts.

Hence I am asking if anyone has measured the actual performance of these audiophile power conditioners. I am not denying someone saying they hear improvement after using XYZ product, but since I am talking about power conditioning or EMI reduction it's as objective as it can be.

I am not at all surprised to see all the manufacturers not publishing the performance data, else it would be used in other industries and research fields where it's far more critical and have far more stringent requirements on the performance of conditioner/EMI filters. But I am shocked to see even products ranging above 5-10K are following the same practice of not publishing the results.

Please note I am not a measurement fanatic, but I know where I can chase the measurements and where I can rely on my hearing to gauge the difference.




Showing 3 responses by deep_333

@deep_333 I never said any of these products don’t make the improvement/changes to the sound. My post was regarding lack of objective measurements/performance data for something which is completely objective. Will FDA accept a new drug if tomorrow the manufactrer will just say I saw improvement in a patient’s condition?

Years ago, a group of engineers in a large manufacturing/test facility (defense/aerospace) were in deep sht with a certain kind of issue. The control system on some sensitive test equipment, one of a kind, one sole manufacturer in the world to meet specs, would freeze up due to some power anomalies that would occur in the midst of weeks long continual tests. Months of power monitoring with the most sensitive/most expensive equipment (that audio guys may have never even heard of) revealed that the monitoring equipment may not have been sensitive enough to catch weird sub-cycle spikes, etc or the ability to capture/characterize such anomalies in that industrial environment. There is nothing else to buy.

Solution: We isolated the control system on that equipment with some very expensive custom iso. transformers. The problem never re-occurred again.

If someone came back and asked me, "where oh where is the measurement/data trail that drove you to your grand solution?" All i could say is, "foff and don’t waste my time, the solution is in place!"...and that’s how it may work in certain types of industries at times.

FDA? Try and figure out all the complexities of the most sophisticated gadget in existence, i.e., the human body first..After that, we can talk about FDA and other crap (Most of your medication is apparently fixing one thing, breaking something else anyways).

Get a couple of engineering degrees, work in field for a few decades, start to get a feel for the limitations of what we can/can’t measure, how much we don’t freaking know in the grand scheme of things, etc, before you get really absolutist with some audio stuff. The internet read low info guys from the likes of ASR are the ones who feel mighty proud of themselves on a daily basis. They know everything there is to know apparently!

@deep_333 Your example is a very poor one. Since you quoted that only one manufacturer existed, then obviously you had no other choice to find a workaround. So it doen’t apply to current situation as you have a neumerous manufacturers providing the product. Besides power for Audio isn’t anything really special either so don’t try to make it sound something very special. It’s attitude of audiophiles of accepting subjectivity in every thing under the sun has lead to manufacturers take advantage.

Besides even though I have technical lnowledge and come from research background I don’t think engineering degree is needed to understand the need of measurements for power conditioning products which cost and arm and leg. Just common sense is needed.

@tonywinga I doubt those certifications will cost so much that power conditioners costing tens of grands cannot cover it. Besides Im not going to get into cables, thats another debatable topic.


Just pack your bags, start a thread at ASR and tell them what a measurement wiz/data driven technical genius you are. The A’gon guys and every manufacturer designing power conditioners for hifi applications (Michael Borresen, Garth Powell, etc) are all soaked in snake oil indeed. They can’t keep up with your unmatched genius.

Goodbye now