Any one has experience with Sugden Integrated?

Looking to buy one of these class A Integrated , A21A or A21SE, will pair it with Tannoy GR Speakers , any input will be appreciated.

Showing 1 response by audioguy85

Yup! Great match, tannoys & sugden. I think you too will love the combo. There is just something so right about the sound. I run the a21se to drive my eatons, and they sound dreamy....pair it with a nice tubed phono preamp and you will forever be happy. I use the tavish design classic, but the vintage and adagio would also be fantastic. Go for the a21se, bigger power supply and more watts (30 @ 8 ohm/40 @ 4 ohm). Provide plenty of ventilation or space as they run hot.

Here is a nice review for you to peruse: