Any one else have this complaint?

I have avalon speakers and the binding posts are on the bottom, and it is a huge pain to change them(speaker cables). I believe Vandy's are the same way. I just changed speaker cables again and it take about an hour to tip them over change the cables get them back on the spikes and then close to the right spot , and toy with them getting them perfect over the next few days. With some speakers you don't have to do this, it is enough of a pain that I would not get another pair of avalons for this reason- am I the only one who thinks it is as annoying as it is? their must be a better way!!

Showing 3 responses by mes

Hi Tim- I can commiserate with you. I was auditioning various SC's a while back while owning Eidolons and it was cumbersome to say the least. The interaction between pair of firehoses,er, FIM Gold SC's, the placement of binding posts on the Eidolons and myself resulted in bent binding posts. Fortunately the Avalons aren't that heavy, but the sequence you describe I've been through, and it is indeed a pain in the ass. As long as the pleasure/pain ratio favors the numerator, I guess we just tolerate it :-)BTW-Survive your night on the town with the demented ones?
The binding posts on the Eidolons, and I assume the Opus, are actually beneath the cabinet on the base of the units, not easily accessible unless you tip or actually lay the speaker on it's side.They're not low, they're below. The Eidolons weighed in at around 140 lbs each, which isn't bad ( my rockports are 400+ lbs each) but somewhat cumbersome to futz with. They are great sounding speakers, perhaps just not the most user friendly.