Any Mojo Audio Power cable owners ?

Just wondering about these,I'm in the mood to upgrade mabe a cable for preamp and amp.Alternative is to go with my first mind and get an Ps audio AC12. Any thoughts are welcomed.

Showing 1 response by tiggerfc

Last summer I spent a bit of cash upgrading and after a big investment (to me at least), I wound up not even listening to my stereo for a week and a half. Very disappointed. Then I started researching the possible areas where I was having problems. I remembered one sales guy I talked to that couldn't stress power cords enough.

So after many hours of research I stumbled on a Mojo Audio 8AWG Cross-Helix PC here on AGon. I called him up, we chatted for a bit and I bought it. Came in a couple days later. It was like Christmas. I plugged it in and it made every previous investment in my stereo worth every penny and then some. Believe it or not, I use this on my DAC. I plan on picking up another 8AWG Cross-Helix for my source and the XPC-7 for my amp once I return to the states.

It is an amazing cable. If you don't like it (you will), you can return it (but you won't). :)

This cable makes me wonder sometimes if it is truly necessary to buy all the high-end gear we think we need to obtain great sound.
