Any Magnepan 1.6 owner who upgraded to 1.7?

Magnepan 1.6 owners, Is the improvement worth upgrading to 1.7?
Short Answer::
Go to MUG.....'Magnepan Users Group' or Audio Asylum....planar division

Long Answer::
Place Panel on table, connector side up.
Remove stand. Save the 4 screws and any spacers.
On the bottom of the panel there will be hundreds of staples. Best of luck removing them
Carefully pry the wooden side strips up.....BE CAREFUL. there is a tack every couple inches. MARK 'em and Save 'em in a safe place. You might want to do this with the panel still standing?
Unscrew the connector panel.
Pull up the sock......
You should now be able to get to the crossover.
With the sock up higher, carefully note where EACH wire goes. and from WHERE. Take a couple of pictures. More pictures. Have somebody proofread what you just wrote. Speakers are L/R pair...CAUTION. Schematic is on MUG and should be checked against your speaker as you take it apart.

What is the plan? Rebuild with stock design using better parts? Total redo? Go active? Change some values?

Any idea what you're letting yourself in for?

If you have confidence in your amp and listening habits, you may want to bypass the fuse. That is the first mod you should do and can be done without any of the above gymnastics.
Thanks Magfan, if I knew that it was so complicated I would not ask for help. I suppose it is better to exchange for a1.7 unit. Thanks again, Cyrus.
It ISN'T complicated. Just take it a step at a time, be careful and you'll be OK.
What's the problem?
Most people report the bleepin' STAPLES are the single worst part of it.

But, that being said, crossover upgrade is not a trivial operation. You will end up with better=larger capacitors. Than you will be into it for an external crossover box, like many other Magnepans. Inductors? Well, you COULD wind your own, but that requires a learning curve and several online calculators with a healthy dose of theory. If you go wacky and use 12ga wire, it CAN be tough to bend and you end up with a pretty good size inductor. The 1.6 stock crossover uses ONE inductor of 3.5uh(?) and .40ohms DCR. Changing DCR, usually to a lower value, results in a trivial change in crossover frequency. 14ga would be fine while my plan, using 13ga is large, but not weird, a theoretically perfect square coil cross section and 0.38ohms.

To short-cut the crossover process, a company called Skiing Ninja makes a duplicate-of-stock crossover using all premium parts. Expensive? Only if you think so. But a nice, real upgrade. I saw the unit for the 1.6 well before the 1.7 was even announced. The may have dropped the 1.6 mod?

What Don't you like about you're 1.6s? Upgrade fever? Some Joneses in your neighborhood need keeping up with?

Have you even TRIED flipping your panels around? You may even LIKE it!
Go to MUG and Audio Asylum. Look at the pictures. Read some of the nutty stuff people do. Read some of the nutty stuff people SUGGEST! The idea to upgrade to 3.6s for about the same (net) money ain't all that bad....if you've got the space.
Hi Magfan,thanks for the intrest you have taken in my attempt to get to the crossover network.I must tell you that I am not going to touch the network in anyway other than to fix it in place. In my left speaker the crossover is loose and and dangling inside being held up by the wires solderd to the back plate. It works fine ,however i am uncomfortable.I must be able to remove the cover and secure the unit once and for all. 3.6s are too large for the space available. Skiing Ninja looks good and I am sure that it will sound better than the existing unit, however I am I am biamping ( vertical) with a pair of tube amps that I likeand with Ninja it is not possible. As yet I have not flipped them, I am waiting for longer cables,as soon as they arrive I will do that and let you know. Thanks again Cyrus.