Any interest in hearing Gershman Black Swan Spkr?

I am expecting a pair of Gershman Acoustic, Black Swan, pretty soon. Is there any one in Minneaplolis/St.Paul areas interested in bringing your amps/preamps over for a shoot out event? I will provide some foods and beverages. My goal is to find out what is the best combination of electronics to drive these speakers. I would love to hear Audio Research Ref 3 if you have it.

Here is what I have:
Amp: C/J Premier 350, Premier LP70s, McCormack DNA 500
Pre: C/J CT5, Cary SL P05
Digital: Cary CD 306 SACD, Sony 777ES, McCormack UDP1 DELUXE
Cables: Acoustic Zen, RCA only.

Thanks in advance.

So far we have 3 interested parties for this Sunday. I just recieved the speakers 3 days ago. I like them a lot and can't wait to hear your opinion. Is there anyone else interested in attending? Once again, it's this coming Sunday 2/11/2007. I am thinking about starting at noon- whenever.... Please let me know so I can plan for food and beverages.
Hope to see you this Sunday and thanks in advance for you participation.

Listen to music
Eat and drink
Listen to more music
Listen to more music
Go home happy, I hope.....

Mdrummer01: Geez...I said I look forward to hearing from him (meaning AnThuan), not from Miss Manners or the rest of Audiogon.

It should be obvious that when you choose to post something publicly, it is for all to read and discuss. If you only wanted to hear from AnThuan, well that's what email is for.

I don't know what the problem is, but at this point each of you, instead of sending an email, is asking the other to send the first email. I hope one of you will blink. Based on history I suggest it should be you. In other words, he made a public offer, and it was your turn to respond by email. Still is.

However, after you had your listening session(s), please post a review here. That would be appropriate and most welcome!
Mdrummer01 and all, I am happy to hear that you're in town and interested in getting together. I would like to get together on Sunday if it's ok as I have to work and have music lesson for the kids on Saturday. I am leaning toward next Sunday (February 4) if you can make it. My place is big enough to accommodate about 10-15 people. I will provide some wine, beer, cheese, crackers, and appetizers, and pizza from Costco. You can stay as long as you want or until I kick you out. Please shoot me an email with a prefered time and date for this event. I will put together a schedule(s) based on your availability.

P.S. Please bring some music (LPs or CDs).
Aktchi: Geez...I said I look forward to hearing from him (meaning AnThuan), not from Miss Manners or the rest of Audiogon. Lighten up. Have you ever heard the saying "criticize in private, praise in public?" We're all friends here, so please play nice. Thanks.
Mdrummer01: OK, I will play "Miss Manners" here. It was very nice and gracious of AnThuan to post his public invitaion meant for everyone. However, you need to make arrangements with him pesonally, not with the rest of A'gon. What purpose does it serve to make a public posting asking him to email you? Why don't you just email him?
AnThuan: I live in the area and your proposal sounds interesting...actually perfect for a mid-winter activity program. Actually, one of my buds from the local audio club brought this thread to my attention, so you have at least two of us interested. Shoot me an email and we'll work something out. Look forward to hearing from you!
Jond, I think you're my only supporter on this thread, THANK YOU. I thought this is something that audiophiles would love to be part of, for curiosity if anything. Maybe it's too much of a hassle to ask people to bring their electronics to your house for a nice 3-5 hours of pure sonic pleasures with foods and beer. What's alternative? Audiophile out on the frozen lake ice fishing?? That doesnt sound good to me. Anyway, I hope to have at least one interested party so that we can get the party going. Once again, this is Gershman's flagship model which retails for $30K that can reach down to 18Hz
Happly lisntening
Hey that's really nice of you. I'm nowhere near there, but I still wanted to mention how cool it is of you to make such an offer, I hope someone takes you up on it. Nice speakers by the way, not a bad way to while away those rough 'Sota winters, eh? Have fun!