Any info on sqeezebox slim devices?

It seems pretty simple to hookup. Go from PC to sqeezebox to preamp. You can go wireless or hookup via ethernet. One question I have is how is the sound quality? I would be ripping on to my hard drive using a lossless compression most likely Flac. Would the sound quality be equal to that of a high end CD Player, or equal to that of an IPOD, or somewhere in between. This seems a little better than the Sonis system being it lets you use your home stereo to listen to your music. It seems reasonably priced as well.

Showing 1 response by ckorody

Sound quality is very good and the modders can make it better. Most basic one is to simply upgrade the wall wart for about $20

Tons of information on the SLIM Forums and also on in the PC forum - just do a search

General consensus is that its better then an iPod - and because of jitter issues inherent to an electro-optical-mechanical device it takes a very good CD player to best either the SLIM or the iPod. A CD player that costs way more then either digital device

Alternate choice you didn't miss but failed to list is SB to DAC