Any good reasons to use transistor phono stage and line level preamp instead of tube ?

Besides lower noise and no need to hunt for particular NOS tubes. 

Showing 1 response by grekon39

yogiboy, good article, thanks for the link.  I especially liked this passage:

The problem, Hansen believes, is that people are too fixated on the gear and not enough on the experience the gear is supposed to provide. “Don’t be thinking about how the treble or bass sounds, or this or that detail, the ‘soundstaging,’” he counsels. “None of that matters. After the song is over, ask yourself, ‘Was I completely sucked in? Did I forget about everything else?’ Or were you thinking about the bills you need to pay, the deadline on this article. If you can get completely lost in the music, then it’s a really good stereo system. It doesn’t matter if it’s tubes, transistors, or a hamster on wheel. All that matters is that you got lost in the music. If you’re listening to music and your system doesn’t do that for you, your system is broken.”

I have all solid state (Bryston amp and preamp) and my system does the above for me. Right now I'm listening to "Man in the Wilderness" Natalie Merchant from Leave Your Sleep.  Its wonderful!