Any good high end shops in Indianapolis?

75 yo friend on Kauai needs to replace her amp setup with an integrated to run Gallo 3.1s. i have sent her feedback from some other postings about this. Now she needs to go to the Mainland for personal reasons to the Gary, IN area. She asked if I knew of any high end shops in Indy. She is wanting to hear what she buys and figures if she hears something she likes, even if a bit more costly, she will know what she is getting. SO, any shops you can recommend where they have demos and wont be jerks to a 75 yo lady?

Showing 2 responses by joekapahulu

Thx all for the feedback. While she used to live in Chcago for some reason she is more attuned to Indy. I think she has a brother who lives up that way so she is probably looking to combine reasons to go that way. She is also used to driving on rural Kauai and my sense was she didnt feel comfortable with the situation there. Neither my wife nor I are going with her on this trip otherwise we would drive into Chicago but she is on her own. 
Thanks for all the feedback. She has relatives near Indy so that is part of the draw. She actually grew up in Gary and apparently it had a nicer area that was at that point all white and others that were mixed. She goes back pretty often so I guess she is perfectly comfortable there and says it is all a matter of knowing your neighborhoods. She knows Chicago very well too just no longer has family there. I think a nephew or bother is going to drive her as she is used to nice, quiet backroads now....she has pretty good ears so I think hearing whatever she likes makes sense. She listens to lots of classical, jazz and local Hawaiian pop.  She also can surprise so she may come back with a much higher end unit than expected. Again ALoha and Mahalo to all commenters.