Any experience with the new Linn Sondek upgrades?

The new arm seems monstrously priced since I just managed to do my upgrade three years ago. It was worth it but another five grand seems nuts. Perhaps the base upgrade at half that provides more benefit per kilo-buck, and it more in line with their theory that the platter comes first. Its gonna take me another three years before I can squirrel away that much if the new arm is that big an improvement.

Showing 1 response by aceto

So we are getting into the meat of it all. We want to know both step-by-step, as well as the total value of ownership. According to Ivor's cannon, Keel ought to be done first, and if one can take only one step it is the Keel.

It is the second step that troubles me. At nearly twice, we need some extraordinary synergy to fill this gap. Otherwise one might feel the EKOS so good that the SE will not make the value gap, to wit, any old cartridge will sound so much better with the SE that you do not mind having already spent $3,000 to upgrade to the EKOS and are keen to make it a cool $8,000 BEFORE even thinking you need a better cartridge.

Or is my logic flawed? There is a better match than the Akiva to the old EKOS?