Any experience with Sound Smith repairing stylus on non-Sound Smith cartridges?

I was reaching across my Rega P8 turntable with Linn Krystal cartridge (four months old with 250 hours), and the back of my finger hit the stylus, and severely bent / broke the stylus and cantilever, as the stylus is now pointing straight down,and the tip is facing backwards (instead of down).  I was probably going to send the Linn cartridge to Sound Smith for repair.  Has anyone had experience with their various stylus repair options for Linn (or other non-Sound Smith) cartridges?  



Showing 4 responses by drbond


Thanks for the input.  I inquired at the shop that I bought the Linn cartridge from, and they seemed to indicate that Linn does not re-tip or repair cartridges. . . I put in an inquiry to Linn factory, but haven't received a response yet.  I'm not concerned about re-sale value, as it's *only* a $2,000 cartridge, and I was planning on a significant upgrade in table and cartridge once I wear this cartridge out, which I may have just done prematurely. . .  


The Linn Krystal has a aluminum tube cantilever, with a vital fine line stylus (whatever that means).  It seems like aluminum would be the reasonable replacement option from Sound Smith:

Aluminum Alloy Cantilever; Nude Hyper- Elliptical Diamond $200


Sound Smith recommended the Boron, because of "the stylus profile", and it's also the most expensive option

Boron Cantilever with Nude Contact Line $450


What do you think would match best with the Linn vital fine line stylus?


Thanks for the recommended thread on stylus tips, etc.  That is an excellent discussion on parts and re-tipping cartridges, along with the usual banter amongst contributors.  For reference, here's the link: (I don't know why the copy/paste operation on Audiogon pastes the link in such a large area)