Any experience with Kharma Ceramique Sub.?

Does anyone own Kharma Ce sub or heared it with any of Ce series?

Showing 1 response by czapp

I have had the sub in my system for about 2 weeks now. I'm using it with the 3.2's. Although break in is not yet complete, I can say that this sub is nothing short of miraculous. Despite it's large size, it completely disappears, with perfect integration with the 3.2's. Adjustments are made with a wired remote. They include high pass, low pass, slope, phase level, and it has a 3 channel EQ.
The sub adds the physical punch to the bottom that was missing with the 3.2's. It also seems to expand and deepen the soundstage-I have no idea why, but it's not a subtle change.
I can say to everyone that has the 3.2's, you really can't imagine how this sub can take it to a whole new level.