any experience w/ Wilson & Spectral?

Hi, I have a set of wilson sophias and I was curious to know how spectal amp (dma 160s) would sound? Also, do I have use spectral pre or can it be mixed with tube pre (audio research ls25).
Thank you in advance for all your inputs.

Showing 1 response by siliab

I replaced a pair of Martin-Logan CLSes + Kinergetics subs with a pair of WP7s 2 1/2 years ago. I had been running the CLSes with a Spectral DMA80 that was in turn driven by a Spectral DMC10 delta preamp. While these electronics made a wonderful combination with the Logans they were not as ideal a combination with the WP7s. Truly, there was nothing "wrong". Clarity, punch, frequency extension, imaging and soundstaging were fantastic. They just didn't have the meltingly beautiful, singing quality that I had heard elsewhere with the 7s played with tubes. I noticed the absence of this characteristic with other Spectral/Wilson (Sophia, WP7) combos at shows, dealers and in home systems. I auditioned the WP7s with literally dozens of pieces of electronics, both tubed and solid state, before coming to my decision. I feel it was time well spent.