Any downsides to transformer volume control preamp

I have been investigating transformer volume controlled passive preamps from Silver Rock and Bent Audio. They appear to be very transparent from user comments. I was wondering about the downsides of using a transformer for volume control. Are there any? I would probably replace my Placette passive if there was a noticeable improvement. Thanks for any advice in advance.

Showing 1 response by rlxl

Since I have no direct experience w/xfrmr volume controls, I cannot comment. However, I, like you, have been interested, but have not taken the leap. FYI, Absolute Sound did a review of the Silver Rock a couple or so years ago (along w/a lower priced isolation xfrmr w/o volume control) and the reviewer thought it was indeed superb. As I recall, he found little to fault other than the price---$3K+. The reviewer was definitely impressed and wrote glowingly of the advantages.

Good luck.