Any DIYer s out there ?

I know from reading some of the posts that there are other "DIYer's" out there. For those that don't know what "DIY" means, it is an acronym for "Do It Yourself". I'm particularly interested in knowing what you folks have built or modified. You can go into as much or little detail as you like. Since i started the thread, i'll do the first post.

I started off by trying several different "homebrew" speaker cables. From there, i went into building interconnects and then power cords. Somewhere along the way, things got more serious and i began to tear into existing designs and "make them better". I've modified a couple dozen sets of speakers, built and desiged speakers from scratch, modified amps and am even building one from "accumulated parts". I've also built sound absorption panels and bass traps courtesy of Jon Risch's website.

I've continued doing this as i find great pleasure in knowing that i helped contribute to the enjoyment of both my system and several others in a "special" way other than just by assembling the various components. It also keeps me out of trouble and minimizes cash outlay for "manufactured" goodies. After all, what one can buy for $1 can be made for $0.25 to $0.60 and be done MUCH better.

Anybody else like doing this kind of stuff ? Don't be shy or modest. Tinkerer's are welcome and PLEASE, go in to detail about your favorite "projects". Sean

Showing 1 response by dds_hifi

Sean, my primary DIY project is being a single parent to my two young kids. However, when time permits, I'm working on an extensive room acoustics project (one of the advantages of being divorced is that I now control the remote and the room it's in). You know this because you've sent me plans for the diffuser - thanks.

To all the audiophiles out there, here's a thought. I'll bet 90% of you have maximized your hardware and are currently delivering 96% of your capability (limited by budget). But, I'll bet you that most of us are only delivering less than 50% of our room's potential.

Systems are only as good as our weakest link. Consider your room a link, and you have your next project!