Any comments on Viasat Internet satellite services

Unfortunately, my audio friend does not have Internet cable service in his area.  The nearest cable link is 3+ miles away and it is very expensive to bring cable service to his home.

He is looking at Viasat Internet satellite services but has major concerns about signal quality and drop outs.  It offers download speeds up to 12 Mbps.

Does anyone have any experience with Viasat Internet satellite services? Is the 12Mbps download speed acceptable for music streaming?   When streaming, from Qobuz, for example, is the Viasat sound quality okay?  Is anyone using Viasat Internet satellite services?

Any other comments, solutions or suggestions would be appreciated.  Thanks.


Showing 1 response by gdnrbob

Viasat shows 25mbps in my area as max.
Much slower than fibre, but should be good enough for streaming.
A quick Google showed streaming services are under 1 mbps- Though Quobuz might be higher if you use the highest resolution setting.
 I wouldn't try to do a lot of other things along with streaming, just to be safe.