Any comments on McCormack amp upgrades

I would like to hear some comments on the upgrades for the McCormack DNA .5 amps,especially the revision A mod.
I have had my DNA1 deluxe upgraded all the way about a year ago when the original output transistors went bad. I do think that the sound improved especially with deep well controlled bass. My experience was very positive. Steve was prompt and reliable.
Though on an economic level, I would much rather buy an amp that had already been fixed up by another audionut, I can't think of another company I'd rather support by throwing down for one of their revisions. I understand the Rev A upgrade is in a whole nother league from just the regular amps and preamps.
If you like your DNA and plan to keep it long term (and you have the money), it is a no-brainer. Do it.

I used to own one and I had Steve upgrade it to a Rev. A, and I loved it. I got the tube fever, and not being able to afford both, I sold my .05. It was probably a mistake--I miss it!

My humble opinion.