Any Coda owners out there?

I have seen some nice-looking gear on the web by Coda. Formerly Threshold designers apparently. Can anyone comment on the sound and quality of Coda products? also have to wonder about the viability of the company, as it has very few dealers.
Can't coment on the sound the only place on the web i've seen any Coda is through Legacy-audio.
I am very familiar with Coda. They are under new ownership.You can e-mail a fella by the name of Steve who is V.P. of Coda. E-mail adress is I own a Coda 2.5 power amp which is a fabulous 25watt pure class A solid state. It is warm and sweet at the same time. Nothing harsh about this unit. The pre-amps are a perfect match for the 2.5's. I could go on and on but e-mail me with more specifics about your system.

CODA is some great gear. I owned the latest 07x preamp and the #8 amp and a 2019 version of the CSiB integrated. I sold all of this because I am down to my office system which I wanted to be Benchmark. However, very soon in 2023 I am going to do a coin flip between the CODA #16 (no meters) or a KRELL KSA i400 for my new Livingroom speakers. The CODA #16 is better than the #8 and one of my all-time favorites. 

New reply 23 years later!!!  That's gotta be an internet record, LOL

To be honest Coda #8 V2 was one of the least favorite amps I've owned.  I mean it was hard to fault on technical merits, but the tone was just off to me.  Unnaturally glassy IIRC.  I tried to adjust but it just gave me an uncomfortable feeling every time I listened to it.  Just not a good match for me and my system, but I could see/hear why people love it.