Any cable delivers more bass than Cardas Golden Reference?


Im using Golden Reference in my System(Merlin VSM Speakers), and the bass is natively stronger with the Gold Ref than any other cable i had the chance of using.

This is a good thing in the case of my system as the speakers are a little lean for my taste, so the cable, whether it adds unnatural bass or being very natural, is very good or me.

I want to go deeper since i have to buy a longer pair(from 1m now to 2m), because distances between amp and speakers recently changed here.

So before i buy id like to know if there is even more "bassey" cable out there.


Showing 12 responses by dumbeat

Believe it or not, maroon gave the most consistent results.

I know many are claiming its snake oil, but today ive placed both speakers side by side, sent identical mono signal to both sides, one with the GR and the other with a cheap generic cable, and toggled L and R to do the A/B test.
The difference was so loud that you had to be deaf not to hear it..

Maybe the "Guinea pigs"(your language) were actually deaf people...? was that option taken under consideration?
Looks like they were much more receptive to color...;-)
By the way, I AM akowledging the fact that it may not that the Bass is "warmer" in the GR’s, but perhaps the higher and high mids are a bit tamed, which contribute to the illusion of warmer bass, but to me sound is an illusion altogether, so i dont mind that. Im just enjoying this particular tonal balance.

As an example from my music Mixing career, i can only tell that the most pleasant things to the ear are the most wrongest and most distorted,.. so to me, color is not a bad word. i just need to like that color...
So much for Pure...

At the end one can not talk too long about a single component. Its like a stew. Its the sum of all parts and their interrelations.

In some dishes that are savory and spicy hot, there is a ton of sugar. If you isolate the sugar you puke from sweetness, but in the stew the balance is just perfect and no sign of sweetness.
First i want to truly appreciate the time and effort you all put in here to help me. I do appreciate it so very much!

Now to the thing itself-
Being a veteran musician/producer and engineer for decades, im aware of all the basic stuff. Acoustics, Phase polarity, etc etc etc.

In this thread, in particular, im talking about the frequency curve being reproduced by a particular wire i grew to like in my system, with all it’s limitations.

I concluded that this wire HAS a frequency Curve of its own and in comparison to other Wire, they DO NOT sound the same, and it ain’t no snake oil.
They absolutely deliver a different overall frequency curve, Not getting into that debate at this point at all.

I find that the Cardas Golden Reference is complimenting my system in it’s given enviournment and don’t want to open further "cans of worms"... Not now anyway, i have also a life to live which is fairly short for my taste...;)

So basically here is the deal: I sold my mono blocks and bought a Stereo power, so now my 1 meter Cables are too short to get to the center power unit, so i need 2 meter cables.

The Cardas GR that i like are very pricey, especially at 2meters, so im selling my 1 meter and going to buy a replacement.

All i wanted to know is what other Cable might give me same characteristics for a lower price so i dont have to sell my pants for a piece of wire.

Tried for the sake of it the Speaker Wire Amazon sells under their own Brand... Probably your standard run of the mill speaker wire, 16AWG.

What can i tell you? Thin nasal and without any depth and body.
This is a good example for people who still don’t believe cable makes a difference. I too did not want to believe it, but unfortunately physics does not adhere to what i want or don’t want to believe (on this entry level of physics at least..,..;)

At any event- we all hear differently or don’t hear at all. I don’t even start comparing my musical/inteval/harmony hearing with some insane classical pianist’s.
Its personal talent/sensitivity mixed with practice,YMMV...
I’ve got Revel Salon 2 speakers (22k/pair retail). It’s generally accepted those are one of the best speakers money can buy. My search for cables ended when i looked inside of those. The cables between external connectors and crossover are about 18ga, not even sure they are pure copper. And those are big speakers, i think there may be 3ft of cables inside. On top of that, there are pretty lousy connectors on the crossover board and kind of a small switch regulating hi-freq response.

Sorry to say, but the Merlin is anything but this thing you describe. the wiring and connectors are on another level. Really sorry to hear that this is what you got for 22k...

I addition, it is true the signal is as good as the weakest line, however, the more weak links you add, the more degradation you get. So its accumulative, not binary.

So i think your Philosophy is void, im afraid.

However i DID order that lousy wire you suggested, just to see and put an end to this once and for all(at least for myself...)
Great info Y’all! Thanks so much for contributing.
I ordered the cheap ass InstallGear 10 Gauge OFC in order to A/B on the spot and put this thing to rest. If the $30 it cost can set me free, ill take my wife on a vacation with all that left over money and then some!!
Funny you would say that i should see it, as by chance i own a recording studio and been doing this for 32 years..;-)

However, when creating recordings you utilize correction gear all day long to create the recording, be it microphones, Equalizers, Compressors/Limiters, effects and what not. You use them to get the sound YOU want to hear.

In a listening environment you attempt to play back the Recording as faithfully as possible. Totally different paradigm.

ANY recorded material is already a MANIPULATED representation of nature by definition.

A listening room is meant to FAITHFULLY reproduce the Recorded material.

OK- So i got that 99% Copper 10g wire.
Hooked it up, placed the 2 speakers one next to the other, sent identical signal to both and with my DAW remote toggled between them. And yes, i flipped the wire between them to make sure its not the actual speaker or position. Same result in both tests. So no doubt about the cable.

There is not a slightest doubt that the Cards GR is fuller in the low mid and bottom and is more detailed and upfront in the mid.
And i mean by A LOT!! its not a super fine detail, its like a different speaker altogether.

So for the ones who still doubt this- Sorry to be the bearer of expensive news, but wire makes a HUGE difference, on a level of an equalizer, no less...

At least for me the question is never to be asked again.

Now i need to find 2m GR wire instead of my 1m GR that is too short and will have to go.

Really love the Cards GR. Warm yet detailed. Fits my taste.
What im saying is that cables do make a huge difference and are not a simple Amazon fair.

Do with that as you see fit.
Life is short.

if you want info on whats inside the Merlin im using its online.
Cardas wire and expensive exotic caps and resistors.

But again, its all about the listener and his taste/sensitivity. You may not heat a difference. Thats better on your pocket actually... 

No one is forcing you to do anything.
Of course, like any stew, it all depends on the rest of the ingredients and their interaction...

Just like you cant really cook anything serious off a book, so its here...

No Review or anyone's opinion can make your system work for you...

You have to try and change things around...

No shortcuts in this, or any field where taste is a participant...
Its not about "enhancement " as a thing.
Its about a combination of components, Cables included, that deliver a tonal balance that you personally like. Why would it be anything less than obvious...?