Any Bob fans out there?

...Mould, that is. Picked up his newest--Body of Song--and its a sort of return to the edgy guitar that I think makes up his best work. Sort of between some of his slower solo work and Sugar. The fact that he has been mixing in a DC club kind of shows through with a couple tracks that are almost pop-ish. I thought Last Dog and Pony Show was supposed to be his goodbye to electric guitar driven tunes, but I, for one, am glad that he's picked it up again.

Given that this is an audiophile forum, I know I'm supposed to comment on the audio quality of the recording. Unfortunately, the CD hasn't made it out of my car yet...

Showing 1 response by beatlebum

I concur with all of the above. "Body of Song" is a great piece of work. Sonically speaking I've only listened to the cd (can't get it outta my car either!) Bob's guitar sound like they're coming from all directions. BTW, I think of Bob's "Workbook" as one of the greatest albums of all time.