Any advice? Parasound A21, Ayre V5xe, Benchmark AHB2, or Bryston 4B3?

Morning, I am thinking of upgrading my Musical Fidelity M1PWR Monos but would appreciate advice on which amp would fit my Harbeth 7 speakers best.This is a set up in my home office and I do not want an amp that runs hot. I have the opportunity to buy one of the following:Ayre V5xe ($2,500)
Parasound A21 ($1,500)
Benchmark AHB2 ($3,000)
Bryston 4B3 (~$3,800)Thanks.
Hegel (great value) and Gryphon (great – period!) both work superbly with Harbeth. 
I have a pair of Benchmark amps as mono blocks. They are Unbelievably Good. So much better than the PS Audio amp I upgraded from.
I have two A21’s powering A pair of Harbeth SHL5+ and although it sounds lovely, both bi amp and Bieber I feel the Ayre is a better match, only because of the bass extension with the ayre. I do have to turn one A21 down very slightly for the super tweeter though. But for the money you cannot go wrong with parasound
If you share what you’re looking to improve upon and what kind of sound you’re looking for you’ll get more detailed and helpful responses here. 
ayre and hegel

deep black silence
timbral accuracy
effortless drive and foundation
detail presented in an easeful flow, not unto itself