
Does anyone have any experience with Anticables products? I spent over $600 on a pair of honestly cheap-looking ICs from them and after 400 or so hours burning them in I'm hard-pressed to tell the difference between them and an old set of no name ICs built from pro cable stock and heavy metal RCA connectors.

For all I know they are made out of regular bulk copper spools in a plastic sheath and wrapped in a Slinky.

Showing 1 response by maxima95

"But -- for example -- if the conductors are not a gold-silver alloy but actually just standard copper wire stock, I think that could be called a scam. Likewise if they purposefully misrepresented subjective qualitative claims that would also be a scam."

These are after-the-fact hypotheticals. You should have had some empirical evidence before using the word scam - even with a question mark after the word.

Perhaps a more appropriate (and accurate) title would have been: 
Anticables: Disappointment.

I have no affiliation with Anticables.  Years ago I used their speaker cables with good results.  I periodically (infrequently) take a look at how their products have evolved.  With all of the positive information out there on the company, I don't see any reason to doubt their integrity.  

Personally, I am astonished that such a top-of-the-line cable sounds very similar to an old set of no name ICs built from pro cable stock, etc.  But there is no reason to doubt your findings.  

You do hold the Ace of Trumps - the ability to return the cables.  Why not do so and move on?