
Does anyone have any experience with Anticables products? I spent over $600 on a pair of honestly cheap-looking ICs from them and after 400 or so hours burning them in I'm hard-pressed to tell the difference between them and an old set of no name ICs built from pro cable stock and heavy metal RCA connectors.

For all I know they are made out of regular bulk copper spools in a plastic sheath and wrapped in a Slinky.

Showing 1 response by kijanki

I bought used Acoustic Zen Absolute ICs that retail >$2k and found them better than $200 AQ King Cobra by small margin.  Same neutral character, slightly faster transients, more refined (cleaner) with darker background, a little better imaging. For me this is the point of diminishing returns.  Perhaps people with better hearing (professional musicians etc.) should invest more, but for me this is it.  Perhaps, as Al stated, in better system ICs would play larger role, but again - my hearing is not getting any better.