
Does anyone have any experience with Anticables products? I spent over $600 on a pair of honestly cheap-looking ICs from them and after 400 or so hours burning them in I'm hard-pressed to tell the difference between them and an old set of no name ICs built from pro cable stock and heavy metal RCA connectors.

For all I know they are made out of regular bulk copper spools in a plastic sheath and wrapped in a Slinky.

Showing 4 responses by devilboy

Be careful with the language you use. Scam is a strong word. Paul has been doing his thing at Anticables for a very long time with NUMEROUS positive reviews from both professional and private users. I have his 6.2 interconnects and in my system they are the most natural, organic cables I’ve had. Made my $2,000 hidiamonds sound like bad hifi.

System synergy is so important. My integrated sounds amazing on my old speakers, but I purchased a pair of Rethm Trishnas a couple weeks ago. The Trishnas sounded fantastic on a tubed integrated at the seller’s house but on my integrated not so much. I’m waiting for delivery on two other tubed integrateds which I believe will be magic with the Trishnas but you see my point. Maybe the Anticables just didn’t gel in your system. Or, you’re expecting something else from them. Hey, to each his own.

I wouldn't remove the 6.2 from my system for anything. 
markmendenhall said, "While not qualifying as a 'scam', manufacturers who make  ICs, power cables, and speaker wire costing thousands and thousands of dollars per are more deserving of your scorn than AC."

I couldn't agree more.
I have the 6.2 and I couldn't be happier. I've stopped critiquing and started listening. I know that sounds cliche but it is what it is,