Anticable Cables: what do you like about them thread?

I thought that I would start this thread.  I do not like the other thread.

Showing 1 response by maxima95

" tomcarr, yes, its called parallel Bi-wire. i got it from the Anti-cable site under FAQ. All i know is that it works, all it cost me to try it was 36.00 bucks. i clearly heard a difference with the jumpers and preferred it that way. Greg "  

For many years I have been bi-wiring without jumpers.  A few years ago, in an email exchange with Paul, he recommended adding the jumpers.  I recall being skeptical and did not try it (though I had no knowledge or facts as to why it wouldn't work).

For some reason, I decided to try this.  Last night I made a set of jumpers out of some 12 GA OCC wire and gold/copper bananas.  This morning I added the jumpers.

I prefer bi-wiring with the jumpers.