Anti-cables vs Signalcable silver resolution

Is there someone who have tried them both ?
I have no experience with Anti-cables but I did recently purchase a set of balanced Silver Resolution interconnect cables and they are amazing. Extremely detailed, transparent and smooth. They are called Silver Resolution for a good reason, resolution is something they really shine at without added glare or grain. They could go head to head with many high priced cables IMO.
Thanks, Grisslehamn! Enjoy the experiment and let us know what you think.

I have not ordered either yet. If I had a short run I would but have a very long distance to cover (in biwire) so even these reasonably inexpensive cables add up. I am currently using Kimber 8TC and am looking for an upgrade.
i shall try both. just ordered a pair of sc sr sp cables. i shall give a report later.
I too am curious about this comparison. I may just go ahead and try the anticables since they are so inexpensive. But, I would like to benefit from the expereince of others.