Anthem STR: Why all the hate?

Hi all,

I currently own an Anthem STR integrated and a Pair of Focal Sopra 2s. I’ve been looking at getting a new power amp with the long term plan of replacing the Anthem STR integrated with the STR preamp. Yet every single dealer I’ve talked to has absolutely taken a dump on Anthem. I enjoy it now, auditioned it against other products and it regularly makes top equipment lists. So why risk upsetting a potential customer by telling them they need to pick something other than Anthem?

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Showing 2 responses by jeffreyw


Several years ago, I auditioned an Anthem Integrated versus Naim and Luxman. The Anthem was outclassed by both. My dealer had nothing bad to say other than "Let's move on". So I can see why dealers might not like them. Also, a sleeper in the integrated market is the Rotel Michi integrateds. They offer a tremendous bang for the buck and are in the price range of the Anthem. 


When I auditioned the Anthem, the Luxman 590AXII was far superior to the the STR. There were others in the room who thought the same. I also take the class A recommendations with a grain of salt, highly based on advertising dollars. The Luxman is built with Rolex quality, while the Anthem is a Timex (as its sonic signature reveals).