Anthem STR Preamp & Pass Labs XA 30.8 vs Micromega M100

Looking for some advice from those who have experienced the sound of each system. I have heard of outstanding reviews of Micromega products along with Pass and the new Anthem Preamp. Since both would have room correction, which system would outperform the other. I will also be integrating a subwoofer into the system with my speakers (Kef LS50's). My music enjoyment spans the entire gamut from Pop to Jazz and Classical. 
Thanks for you insights!

Showing 1 response by soix

What aspects of stereo performance and sound reproduction are most important to you?  I know @audiotroy is one of the few familiar with Micromega products so hopefully he’ll chime in here.  Is there a reason you’re requiring room correction, and does it need to reside inside the preamp?  Just asking because it obviously seriously limits your preamp choices.