Anthem STR or Naim Uniti Nova for Paradigm Persona 3F?

Hi all, 

I'm planning AV for new construction with my family and the centerpiece will be the stereo system. I auditioned the Paradigm Persona 3F, powered by an Anthem STR integrated amp, and fell in love. So, now that I've got my speakers picked, I need to find an amp that sounds great but also fits the following criteria:
  • Simplicity is going to be key for this system. While I don't mind messing with multiple pieces of equipment to play a CD or stream music, my family does not have the same patience. 
  • The fewer boxes, the better for the same reasoning as above. If an amp has a built in network streamer or CD player, that's not a negative for me. 
  • Most of the music being played will be digital, so the amp has to have a great DAC. I'm open to a separate DAC but I don't feel it'd fit my budget easily. 
  • Budget for the amp is ideally around 6k, but I am able to go higher if the amp incorporates another component, such as a network streamer. 
  • Home Theater Bypass is ideal, as I will be incorporating the system into a small HT setup. That said, 2ch music is the priority and what will the system will be used for the most. 
My current plan was this: I would use my Blu-ray player, either a Sony UBP-X1000ES or Panasonic DP-UB9000, as a CD transport. I am open to a separate transport if people feel that it would be better, but again, less boxes is better. That leaves only network streamer as the other digital source, which could be separate or could be incorporated into the amp. Currently, I am between the Anthem STR integrated and the Naim Uniti Nova. Here are my thoughts on both:

The Anthem STR sounded great on the Personas, although it's the only amp I auditioned them on. When I go back, I will try more. The included ARC room correction might be very useful to me, as these speakers will be in a large, long room with no ability for treatments other than a rug or two. Maybe the room correction will help in such a room more than a nicer amp... The cheaper price and higher power was nice, and integration into Control4 plus HT Bypass is ideal. 

I have not yet heard the Naim Uniti Nova, but it's reputation is great. I particularly like having the network streamer built in, but I worry that the power output may be too low. I will not likely be able to audition these on the Personas, so if anyone has heard this duo, or any of the Uniti line with them, I'd be grateful to hear your thoughts. Control4 integration is available but no HT Bypass... 

My dealer also has a Moon 340i that I heard with some B&Ws that sounded wonderful. He praised the DAC in it and I'd be open to this as well, but since it does not incorporate a CD player or network streamer and is near the top of my theoretical price range, I'm less inclined. That said, since I can audition it with the Personas, I likely will. 

Anyway, I'd be very grateful if people could weigh in on the STR vs the Nova (and 340i, if inclined), but I'm open to any thoughts on these speakers and powering them in general! Thanks in advance. 

I have an Atom and it sounds fantastic w Vandersteen Treo CT ( see my Casa Pacifica system ) it just gets better as you go up the line. The streamer integration is fantastic as is support for a NAS ( I use a Synology- RIP your CD’s in !!!! )
have fun
enjoy the music
@bpryan You should give the Audio Doctor in New Jersey a call. He carries maybe all the integrated amps listed ion this thread and likely will allow a home demo. He is also the biggest Paradigm Persona fan in the USA :).

I think he has abandoned A’gon but google search for his contact.

BTW - That NAD Masters M33 with Purifi should be looked at closely.
Thanks all for the responses! @tomic601, thanks for the perspective on the Naim, really helpful to know what people are running successfully even on the Atom. @djones51, also very helpful on the separates. To me, it'll he a matter of hearing them vs the integrated bc I'm not sure the extra power will be wholly necessary from the separates, but I know in general, separates offer a bit better quality based on the physical separation of pre and power circuitry. 

@yyzsantabarbara yeah, might give Dave a call. I'd also be happy if @audiotroy could weigh in here as I see he's active on the forums in regards to the Personas, but I'm new here and don't actually know how to message or flag people. 

The good news is, I'm at the site of the new house now (it's in Rhode Island, the current house is a tiny old cottage from the 30s with a bad foundation that can't be remodeled) and so I found a store an hour away in Connecticut that has pretty much ever brand mentioned here! I'm gonna call them on Tuesday when they're open again and see what they have on the floor, and if I'm lucky, I'll be able to demo the Personas with Naim or Krell or NAD. Very exciting if it works out! 

If anyone else has any more input, I'd still be grateful to hear it! 

djones51 is partially correct. 

The STR Pre and the STR Integrated have the same DAC on the Input Stage, but not on the Output Stage.  

I posted this a while back as far as the differences between the STR Pre and the STR Integrated - although I did misspeak in this article and had posted a correction to it as the designs are "Truly" Balanced and not "Fully" Balanced:
@cbrents73, thanks for the clarification on the separates. Might incline me towards them over the integrated, but hopefully I can get a demo in and potentially hear for myself.