Anthem D1, Marantz Av7005 or McIntosh MX135 ???

I am very new to HT, changing out from 2 channel due to little use. I have B&W matrix 802s in front and 805s in back, Oppo 83 dvd and Naim cdx hdcd. Not looking to break the bank with all high tech stuff, sometimes i think it's splitting hairs - besides I could never keep up with $$$. What is the best choice between these units? Looking for quality audio too, so I will be looking for/ need advice on an amp to go along w/ the McIntosh unit. Many thanks for any input or direction, Mike

Showing 1 response by kr4

Don't you need amps for the other two, as well?

The Marantz is the only one of these three with all the mod-cons: HDMI, Audyssey, HD codecs, etc.
