Another unconventional power cord test?

As I continue to experiment by recording noise in my system by placing a sensitive mic about an inch away from my right channel tweeter, I've stumbled upon an interesting finding: my computer, a simple windows laptop, when plugged into my PS Audio Duet filter, adds a tremendous amount of noise - relative of course. So I plugged the computer into a different circuit and wouldn't you know it the noise is gone. Very interesting, and I never would have guessed or heard this without this listening method that I've been toying with.

I've just bought a shunyata viper high current cable - $265 - and did some testing with it plugged from the amp to the wall, then into the Duet. I then did the same test with one of my PS Audio Lab cables. Again, my findings are interesting: hands down the ps audio lab cable is much quieter. And in all configurations there's less noise with the amp plugged directly into the wall.

I'm still breaking the shunyata in so I'll repeat the test soon. Anybody have any thoughts on this approach or the findings? Will the break in of the viper cord really make that much of a difference or am I sending that cord back to Musicdirect?

Showing 2 responses by jmcgrogan2

If your end game is to find the lowest noise floor, then it sounds as if you will be sending the Shunyata cord back.

Personally, for me, a lower noise floor is nice, but it is not really what I listen to an audio system for. I prefer tubes to solid state, and while in most cases solid state are quieter, they don't sound as musical to me as tubes. I also prefer vinyl over digital, though digital is quieter. I listen to music the same way through cables/cords. I'm trying to find the one that sounds best to me with music playing, not simply which one is the quietest.
Whatever floats your boat though.

Foster_9, I agree with much of what you say. I know other audiophiles who feel the same way, and I can't say that I blame them. At times it can be frustrating and overwhelming, there are just too many variables involved. I know one fellow who has very expensive cables who just went back to all stock power cords and tuned his system around them. I've played with enough combos to know that this could certainly be done, and would remove one more variable from the confusing mix.

That said, I still find power cords to be very alluring. Though I was late to the party, I have more money tied up in power cords than I do in cables. This certainly doesn't mean this is the right thing to do, I haven't heard my friends system with stock cords and much more expensive cables than mine. However, I've seen how I can use cords, interconnects and speaker cables to balance the sound to suit my tastes over the years, and I am sure that I could probably still get great sound by removing any of those three variables. Either going with stock cords, interconnects or speaker cables, and still get possibly just as good of an end result.

Many times simpler is better. I've heard integrated amps that have embarrassed much more expensive separates. So I would never suggest that someone keep playing the game until they find just the right combination. That game can be so frustrating, and to make it even worse is the fact that when I do hit the magic combination, I still can't stop. I have to keep on experimenting until I lose all of the magic. LOL! I'm getting very close now to the sound that I like again....and this time I want to jump off the merry-go-round for a while, as I'm starting to get burned out too.

Strangely enough. many of my cords today are not the latest and greatest, but mostly older classics, Elrod's, Nordost, etc. One's that I discovered years ago, moved on from, and now have come back home to. I think that may be a sign that there is hope for me....that I may be settling down. LOL!
