Another Subwoofer Question

Hey folks

Got a question about Subwoofer Connections, and i havent been able to find an answer by searching the forums.

Say i want to use Dual Subs with my HT rig and my 2 channel Rig, which i aim to keep pretty seperate.

Probably sat/sub setup with the Denon 3805 for HT, and im toying with the idea of using dual Outlaw LFM-1 subs. (i like bass ok?)

I was thinking of going with some good monitors for 2 channel setup along with the subs, and using a sattelite setup for the surround setup, also using the subs.

Here is what i was wondering. .... ..

for 2 channel setup
My Pre-amp has no LFE out, so i was aiming to run from Source to Pre-amp to Amp, to Subwoofer high level input, then from high level output to Monitor, getting stereo sub use.

for HT, i was thinking of going from Denon AVR-3805 LFE out to Y-splitter, to LFE input on each of the the subwoofers. Sattelite speakers powered from Denon, keeping the monitors out of the scene to help keep tonal balance.

Would there be any reason i could not do something like this? Would using both inputs screw things up? Obviously i would not be playing the 2 channel setup during HT or vice verca. Do subwoofers have a tendancy to ignore high level input if they see anything less than a dead open on the LFE input? Will the subwoofer accept input from either regardless?

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