Another sign SACD is dying

I went to Best Buy to purchase some SACDs and after searching for the special section containing sacds and xrcds without success, I asked the salesman where they were. He informed me that they were all removed since dual disc is now the rage. WOW!

Showing 11 responses by czbbcl

They are called Hybrids and are stocked in the cd section.Besides if you are going to BBY for high end audio you are in the wrong store.
For a dead format I continue to see more and more SACD Hybrid releases every day. It will however continue to be limited to the smaller labels producing high quality releases of specialized musical venues.
Something that befuddles me is that I have read various comments from people pertaining to the limited superiority if any of SACD over redbook. Now the irony is that some of these comments are made by people who are cryogenically treating (read tweak) their wall outlets trying to squeeze every bit of performance from their system that they can. Yet they will denounce a format that offers some improvement and in some instances vast improvement in the very sound quality that they are trying to improve. I don't get it!

No, I do not believe you are wrong. SACD will not replace redbook only enhance it or if you wish work in concert with it. Such is the case for the Hybrid discs; seems like synergies to me. And the way SACD should have been marketed all along (IMO).


I too have purchased a couple of the living stereo SACD's and was astounded by how good they sound. I bought them from tower records for around 8-10 bucks apiece with free shipping. And just as others have said SACD (hybrids) are not going away anytime soon. I too am finding more and more new releases everyday. And more manufacturers are making universal players. So I would say rest easy and enjoy the music.

It does seem to be a format that caters to the classical and Jazz listener of which I am. So I have no problem finding music (SACD's) that I like.

I agree SACD continues to grow with more releases coming out almost daily. And prbably more important in its survival is that it is getting support from the hardware folks with more and more universal players becoming available.

I really enjoy SACD and support it whenever I can it just sounds better than standard redbook in the majority of cases and is very close to vinyl without the noise and maintenance hassles.

SACD (hybrid) will continue to be supported by the smaller labels for the foreseeable future as well as by the hardware manufacturers.


What did you mean that SONY is the General Motors of audio; please explain?


IMO you are not missing anything I agree with you and share your enthusiasm for SACD. What amazes me is these same people who are negative about SACD will promote tweak after tweak trying to get the absolute most out of their systems. When they have something that can improve their listening pleasure such as SACD they denounce it. I suspect that some or most of these people probably hate SACD because they hate SONY and will not promote anything that SONY does.
