Another person going digital and full of questions

I'm yet another new member trying to figure out the digital streaming world.  I've been streaming Tidal and Idagio from my desktop computer through an RME ADI-2 dac and into various headphones for a while.  Now I'd like to add digital streaming on my main system.  I'm just looking for a source that would provide streaming services to my existing preamp (Audible Illusions) amp (Audio Research) and speakers (Wilson Benesch Act 1).  I'm looking for something to complement my other sources, a VPI turntable and a Rega CD player and Benchmark 1 DAC.  I don't want to rip my CDs or play any stored music files.  So far, I'm learning that there are more recent and better DACs out there than the old Benchmark, and that I should consider a quieter box than my computer to connect to ethernet.  But I'm lost in a sea of streamers, servers, reclockers, power supplies, etcetera, most with unfamiliar brand names.

I'd appreciate any suggestions.  budget in the $5k range but can stretch a little.


Showing 2 responses by mahler123

The current Node has an upgraded DAC that sounded pretty impressive when I heard it for an extended audition.  Bluesound stuff is far from perfect but it checks some boxes for being a good entry into streaming.  As @djones51 mentioned the UI is critical to the experience and Bluesound has one of the better ones, in addition to adding every streaming service imaginable.  It plays high resolution recordings and is good enough, especially when paired with a really good external DAC, that many people feel it is all they need.  And if doesn’t fit the bill, you haven’t blown the budget.  For people unsure about streaming, it remains a go to recommendation 

Bluesound Node2 is a good starter streamer.  It works with every streaming service out there.  They have just upped their DAC, and you may or may not find it compares with your current DAC.  It will leave most of your budget intact so that you can upgrade the DAC significantly if you wish goingforward.  I would add Cambridge Audio CXN 60 for about twice the price of Bluesound.  It has a better DAC and adds Chromecast and AirPlay and really excellent Internet Radio and Podcast capabilities.