Another person going digital and full of questions

I'm yet another new member trying to figure out the digital streaming world.  I've been streaming Tidal and Idagio from my desktop computer through an RME ADI-2 dac and into various headphones for a while.  Now I'd like to add digital streaming on my main system.  I'm just looking for a source that would provide streaming services to my existing preamp (Audible Illusions) amp (Audio Research) and speakers (Wilson Benesch Act 1).  I'm looking for something to complement my other sources, a VPI turntable and a Rega CD player and Benchmark 1 DAC.  I don't want to rip my CDs or play any stored music files.  So far, I'm learning that there are more recent and better DACs out there than the old Benchmark, and that I should consider a quieter box than my computer to connect to ethernet.  But I'm lost in a sea of streamers, servers, reclockers, power supplies, etcetera, most with unfamiliar brand names.

I'd appreciate any suggestions.  budget in the $5k range but can stretch a little.


Showing 2 responses by jbuhl

Lots of good stuff out there for that Budget.

The Lumin U2 mini I am sure will be suggested at $2.5K

The Moon Mind 2 is proly in the same class as the Lumin for $2.5K

Saves cash to put toward a new DAC.

If your open to used that opens the Door for even more possibilities like Roon.




I been streaming for many moons.  Started years ago with one of the first Sonos ZP90s and streaming Napster.  Then added an external DAC.  Then had the ZP90 upgraded by Wyred4Sound.   Then got my hands on a Bryston BDP Pi to replace the ZP90.  Then discovered ROONS and ran that on a Mac Mini with the Bryston as an endpoint.  That was a problematic but the ROONS interface was a new game.   Next step was to  move the ROONS core to  a SGC  ST (dedicated device) and hardwire to the endpoint and deploy a mesh network with one of the nodes hardwired to the SGC ST.   Then upgraded the network cables.  Put in a power supply for the cable/modem.  Through the process running trials on Spotify,Tidal, and running Deezer for a few years as it had exclusive on running 16/48 on Sonos then finally settling in on Qobuz.  This is where I sit today and it is stable and sounds good.  Always vulnerable to network vagaries but is part of the game.   All along the way I been grinning like a possum eating saw briars.