I’ve used the105 as a Renderer, not by choice but when another streamer flaked out. However I don’t understand what the OP is up to here. What files is he playing? A streaming service such as Tidal or files that are on the iPad? If it is a service such as Tidal, he could actually get a decent streamer for what an iPad costs, and hook it up either to his DAC or pre amp, depending upon if he wants to use the DAC in the streamer. Then his iPad isn’t tethered to his system
Another OPPO 203 Connection Question
I currently have a OPPO 203 which I would like to use for streaming music. However, I wish not to use any WIFI or ROON or any other wireless apps in the process.
My question is simple, Can I connect my IPAD directly to the OPPO 203 via the HDMI or USB? if so, how do I set the settings?
My plan is to run analog to the McIntosh MX110z Pre-Amp which is connected to a McIntosh MC7270 power amp and run digital to the Mcintosh MX257 AV Pre-Amp which is connected to a McIntosh MC257.
I am currently hard wiring everything ,not because of weak WiFi but because of getting a better signal via hard wire.. I currently average 450MBPS