Another one (server) bites the dust! Aurender N10 vs. N200

Well, my Musicvault that has served me SO well for a long, long time has begun to serve up errors. My needs and desires for a new server/streamer seem to be met by Aurender's N series and I'm curious if anyone can comment on the sonic differences between the N10 and the N200 for serving and streaming....They're both in my budget.

Mostly, it looks like the N200 has better power isolation and the N10 has a better clock. I imagine that doesn't tell the whole story, though. 

Can you serve up some sensible subjective sonic experiences (please and thank you)?


Showing 2 responses by charles1dad


Based on your efforts, you definitely take power concerns seriously. I would give attention and heed the guidance of @blisshifi given his in depth familiarity of the Aurrender components.


Just knowing that between the two units that the N 200 has the superior power supply would make if preferable for me. Power supply quality is paramount to achieving good sound quality. I've yet to encounter any audio component where power supply robustness and design/execution is not a major contributor to the overall sound. This is often where cheaper component builders cut corners for cost savings. You’ll hear the difference.
