Another new DAC: Audio Mirror

Just ran across this last night. Never heard of them before but
as a Minnesota company tweaked my curiosity.
Audio Mirror Tubadour III non-oversampling tube DAC. Sounds interesting.
If anyone runs across one and has a listen please post.

Showing 4 responses by rx8man

I drop shipped an Orchid Dac to Grannyring for his mods this week.

I got it for a back-up to my DHT Dac behind my CEC TL 3N transport.

The AD1865 and TDA1541 NOS are holding their own after all these years, esp. with a tube or two in the box.

The aforementioned Dacs in this thread are affordable and provide good "musical" results, without putting up a house mortgage or car note.

I’m only getting this for a back-up to my DHT Dac, so I could care less about who’s in another league, todays flavor turns into next years forgotten.   I didn't ask teajay for a comparison, I can do that on my own.
We need to keep our "own" ears open, and for the cost consideration involved with these pieces, they can be heard in our systems, swapped with friends, so on so forth.

Yes, I'm sure Teajay is a really nice guy, but, things are relative in the context of a given system and personal taste requirements.

The aforementioned Dacs in this thread are affordable and provide good "musical" results, without putting up a house mortgage or car note.