Another “How to choose an arm” question

I currently have a Sota Saphire running an SAEC We317 arm (221mm spindle to pivot and 12 mm overhang).

That is running a Garrott Bros p77i, but I have been looking at some LOMC cartridges, as well as SoundSmith LO-MI, AT ART, etc.

How is one supposed to determine their current arm is good or not?

It sounds fine and I would think that the knife edge design is not prone to a lot of wear.
However it was recommend that I upgrade the arm… But how would I know “to what”, and how would I know if the upgrade is worthwhile?

I was looking at some DD tables to have a more expanded choice of arms that can be mounted, as the Sota is a bit restrictive in that regard. That is still on the cards as a possibility… however assuming that the Sota is a keeper, then how do I determine the arm’s adequacy, being “fit for purpose”?


Showing 1 response by williewonka

@holmz - Since the RB3000 was recomemnded I would also suggest taking a look at  the Audomods Arms

I've had a the old Classis Series 3 with the Micometer VTA for about 11 years and have no thoughts of changing it. The new Series 6 has many improvements

Jeff at Audiomods will answer any questions you have about his arms.

He can also make mounting plates to suite your turntable in many cases

His arms are superb, finely crafted and provide exceptional performance to any turntable

He can also recommend cartridges that match his arms perfectly

Hope that helps - Steve