Another Fedex problem...

Just wanting to point out a problem I am having with Fedex as a potential warning and to see if anyone else is having this situation come up.

The last 4 packages I have had delivered to me by a vender via Fedex have NOT come to my home. In fact, only once did the delivery driver leave a notice on my door? It seems Fedex drivers like to skip your house and take the package to a designated drop off point. In my case, that is a Walgreens store that is totally inept and uneducated as to how to organize these packages.

In the last 2 instances, I have had to change my address to a drop off point (I have chosen) to avoid having the package sent back to the original sender. I asked a driver I had seen do this ...and he gave a very evasive answer.

Is anyone else having this problem?


Showing 2 responses by lowrider57


Tony, if they are unifying the two services, isn't there a chance the Ground employees will become full-time employees rather than independents who pay their own expenses and have no interest in quality work?

@tonydennison  is right about the FedEx company. FedEx Ground is and has been a separate division that employs independent contractors as drivers. There is no incentive for them to do quality work; the attitude is get these packages off my truck and go home. It doesn't matter if it's the right address.

Take a look at FedEx Express next time. It costs more but so does UPS. BTW, I have noticed improved service from UPS.